Monthly Archives: September 2017


Hope lights up my life.
Small as she is, she keeps me going.
I pray for her.
I believe in her.
I trust her.

She has kind eyes, Hope, and the warmest of ways with her. Such a straightforward smile.

She makes me laugh out loud. That’s probably what I love the most about her.

How much she cheers me up and cheers me on even when I’m not in the mood (and believe me, I’m often not in the mood) she gets to the root of my grumpiness and helps me to sing again.

To dance too, and you know what, that’s often the best bit, the dancing.
The letting myself go to the roll of the rhythm.

‘It’ll be ok’, she assures me, midway through the quickstep.
‘You’ll get through this same way you always do’.
‘Be yourself’, Hope whispers, as we waltz a slow waltz.
‘Keep wishing, keep hoping, keep dreaming for you never know what wild wonders await you!’

She’s right, you know. She speaks true. Her kind smile and warm eyes convince me of that.

Hope lights up my life.
Small as she is, she keeps me going.
I pray for her.
I believe in her.
I trust her.



Sometimes going up the mountain helps. The climb clears his head and lifts his heart. He sings a happy song all the way home. Sometimes.

Other times going up the mountain doesn’t help at all. It only brings him down. The ascent rattles him. Clouds his heart and clutters his head. He’s fit for nothing after it. Finished for the day.

He hides his face when these low moods strike. Keeps himself to himself. Waiting them out.

He’s glad when night falls dead on these days. He steps out into the darkness then. Lets its courage captivate him.

Sometimes it works its magic straightaway and the moon shines down on his soul.

Other times, it’s all he can do to nudge the small speck of spirit still left in him to muster up the sound of the stars….